I spent the first 30 years of my life running from myself. During that time I told myself that I needed to see the world, I was looking for the world to tell me who I was. Through that process I slowly learned that what I thought I wanted was actually my trauma talking and not my heart. It took a massive amount of inner work over the course of 14 years to finally feel like my heart is fully open and I am able to accept my deepest truths. Moving through these many timelines and layers of identity has brought out many gifts that used to feel like curses and I know that many of you out there are experiencing or have experienced these same things.
I now know that the reason for all of my failures was to open my heart and teach my ego lessons that it had not experientially understood prior. Through my journeys I hurt many people and I was hurt by many as well. I have been obsessed with diving deep into facing my fears and learning the lessons of my soul. I used to live my life in chaos with drama all around me, I have learned how to live with peace in my heart while trusting in the Divine to guide me with balance and grace rather than obsession and intensity.
With everything going on in the world every single person alive today is learning how to integrate these higher vibrational energies going on as we enter this new reality. This blog is my latest approach to serving those who resonate with my messages. Through all my experiences I have picked up much wisdom along the way and my intention is to share my experiences with you every week in hopes that it will help guide you along your path of self discovery. This platform is also designed to answer your questions that you might be struggling with, I encourage you to email me at: nahum@optimizinghuman.com because chances are if you are experiencing something, someone else is as well and together we can help each other heal and grow.
Why Optimizing Human? The word Optimizing is present tense because it is a constant state of evolution. There is no such thing as perfection, while we are alive on this earth we always have 2 choices: grow or die, there are many complexities that go into this oversimplified answer and each week we will dive into a specific topic of discussion.
If you would like to connect to more of my content I encourage you to watch out for newly posted YouTube videos (Youtube channel: Optimizing Human) and follow me on IG: @Spiritual_Bodybuilder. Through sharing stories of learned lessons through my life I hope to encourage you to find the other side of the struggle. The only difference between success and failure is not giving up. This takes a certain “will of the soul” or heart based inspiration to make this happen and we are living in times that test the souls of man.
Integration is a lifestyle and necessity in these new times no matter who you are or where you are from. The empath in all of us is rising to the surface and it affects us all in different ways. Physically emotionally and spiritually on all levels. Learning to connect to the language of the body will guide us in understanding what our life circumstances are trying to teach us, through the understanding of these lessons comes the requirement of taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. This is a language I know how to speak and will teach this language to you as well. This is what I call “Spiritual Bodybuilding.”
I am excited to connect with you. Please pass along this message to anyone who you think will resonate with this. You can go to my website optimizinghuman.com and put your email address into the section provided and by doing this you will receive a FREE E-Book called: Decrypting the language of the Human Body” that will help you get a basic understanding of how the body speaks to us emotionally and energetically. I look forward to connecting with you!
Much Love