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If you want to prosper, you have to learn to ignore reality ...

Writer's picture: Nahum VizakisNahum Vizakis

“You cannot continue to tell the same story without continuing to live the same circumstances.”Abraham-Hicks

Ignoring reality may seem like a strange suggestion but that’s precisely what we have to do to create change in our lives. It’s really quite simple but can be subtly deceptive.

For example, it is pretty much accepted in psychology that we attract what we focus on or, put another way, our minds move in the direction of our thoughts.

Taking that a step further, it becomes apparent that, in order for our lives to change, we must be focusing on not what is, but rather what we want, hence ignore reality. We must start telling a different story about how our life is.

So many people cling to their “story” about how their life is and why and then wonder why it’s not changing. It can’t!

As long as you’re constantly reinforcing conditions as they are, they cannot change. Only when you are willing to let go of your “story” and start telling yourself a new one, will things on the outside begin to change.

If, for example, you wanted to drop 10 pounds you cannot be talking about how hard it is to lose weight or how overweight you are. You cannot keep looking at how slowly the weight is dropping, if at all.

Instead you have to affirm that you are, in fact, losing the weight and shift your self-talk to that of having already reached your ideal weight. Visualize yourself as already having completed the process.

Affirm, “I am in the process of reaching my ideal weight” (income, lifestyle, or whatever).

Right now, with everything going on in the financial industry, most people have their attention on what’s wrong, how much they’re losing in the market, their bills and how bad things are. The problem here is that they are still holding their attention on the problems. All that can possibly produce are similar conditions; namely problems.

The only way to change this is to notice the abundance you already have and, as like attracts like, you will begin to attract more abundance into your life.

You may have to pretend that everything is getting better. You have to start acting “as if” you are living the life you desire. Start telling yourself how great it is having the body you want, the income you desire or the great relationship you’ve been wanting.

Just doing this for a few minutes a day will “trick” your non-conscious mind into believing it is true and you will soon start to see evidence of your new life showing up. Pay attention to even the slightest sign of your dreams becoming manifest. If you’re affirming an increase in finances and someone buys you lunch, see that as evidence of your new abundance.

This, by the way, is what President Roosevelt did during the depression of the 1930′s and as a result, conditions began changing.

Roosevelt called to the White House the leading positive thinkers of his time, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, etc., and everyone agreed, with the help of the media, to start telling a story of economic recovery.

Following the law of attraction, as people started hearing how things were getting better, they began repeating it and believing it and, sure enough, things did get better. Everything begins with thought and, manifests according to our beliefs.

The quickest way I know of creating positive change in one’s life is to start making “appreciation” or “gratitude” lists each day. By putting your attention on what you appreciate and are grateful for in your life, you put yourself in the energy of attracting more things to appreciate. These, of course, are things you want.

If you doubt what I’m saying, just try it for a few weeks and see what happens. I know, from personal experience, that your life will begin to improve.dont think anyone has every The key to bringing something into your experience that you desire is to achieve vibrational harmony with

what you desire. And the easiest way for you to achieve vibrational harmony with it is to imagine having

it, pretend that it is already in your experience, flow your thoughts toward the enjoyment of the

experience, and as you practice those thoughts and begin to consistently offer that vibration, you will

then be in the place of allowing that into your experience.

Now, by paying attention to the way you feel, you can easily know if you are giving your attention to your

desire or if you are giving it to the absence of your desire. When your thoughts are a vibrational match to

your desire, you feel good—your emotional range would be from contentment to expectation to eagerness

to joy. But if you are giving your attention to the lack, or absence, of your desire—your emotions would

range from feelings of pessimism to worry to discouragement to anger to insecurity to depression.

And so, as you become consciously aware of your emotions, you will always know how you are doing with

the allowing part of your Creative Process, and you will never again misunderstand why things are turning

out the way they are. Your emotions provide a wonderful guidance system for you, and if you will pay

attention to them, you will be able to guide yourself to anything that you desire.

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